Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and current Stat-At-Home Orders, our bunny workshop is on hold until further notice. BOO. Please stay connected with me on social media. I may attempt to teach this and other crafty classes in a remote learning experience!
Please do your part to keep all of us safe and healthy! I will see you on the flip side!!
If you have already registered/paid for this workshop and HAVE NOT received your refund, please email myself or Vivien at The Painted Estate!!
Got buns, hun?
DIY Bunny Class
Please join
at The Painted Estate
on Sunday, April 5
from 1-3 pm for a
Build Your Own
Bunny Workshop!
Ann Vanatta Gutierrez, owner of halfpeeledbanana, will provide hands on instruction and guide you step by step in creating one of these adorable Easter themed sock bunnies from scratch!
Bouncing in around 5” tall, these fanciful bunnies are as much fun to make as they are to give as gifts to friends, kids, co-workers, teachers, or yourself
Gather your friends, learn a new craft, join in
“Sunday buns-day”,
and bring home your own
handmade masterpiece!
Seats are limited, so HOP to it & sign up today!!
show me your buns
Can’t wait to see you in class!!