TJ's ArtFest
Saturday, December 9th, 9am - 4pm
3950 South Holly Street ...
on Holly, south of Hampden
Do the right thing and support your neighbors, your friends, your community, and the independent artists who strive to make your day a bit brighter with their art, sculpture, jewelry, home decor, and munchies!!
I'll be sharing a double-wide space with Charles Hay World School again this year!! We have a ton of fun!!
Please come out to shop for your peeps or for yourself!!
Stop by to say "hi" and pick up a little somethin' somethin'!!
This show was a kick last year!
The kid zone was cool, the arts and crafters were solid, and Santa was a hoot!
I'll have the "big girl" garden art at the Fest... plus tabletop flowers, prints, holiday bling, earrings, and the seasonal snow peeps I've been creating for the winter season!!
here's a quickie slideshow of some of the snow peeps... some with vintage jewelry, some with Shrinky Dink buttons... ALL HANDCRAFTED BY ME JUST FOR YOU!!
#halfpeeledbanana #coloradoartist #holidayshopping