featured artist = me @ Let Em Have It Salon
my prints and paintings go public!!
Start 2017 off with a new "do", and get yourself pampered while checking out my 16x20 framed prints and 2 paintings @ Let Em Have It Salon in downtown Denver. Originally I was booked for a collaboration show from January to February, but now it looks like...What? a SOLO SHOW... just my prints, two large paintings and flowers made from water bottles... just in case you have a special Valentine in mind!!
"peace" painting.acrylic/multimedia on canvas by Ann Vanatta Gutierrez
on the far wall @ Let Em Have It Salon through February!!
So... if you're interested in seeing/buying my larger prints all framed up and lookin' perty, come on downtown to keep it local, get your style styled, and enjoy the atmosphere and talented team @ Let Em Have It Salon. I adore what this company stands for. It is a fabulous, hip, luxurious, socially and environmentally conscious, charitable, refreshing, ethical, cruelty-free salon. They ROCK! you can learn more & make an appointment @ Let Em Have It by visiting letemhaveitsalon.com
Let Em Have It Hours: